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Joe Clark ’68 retired from teaching 6th grade in the Plum Borough School District, a Pittsburgh suburb, after 39 years in 2007. He says, “I’m still the basketball scorekeeper for the Plum boys’ and girls’ teams. I started in the mid-1970s and believe I’ve kept score for close to 2,000 games.”
Luann (Zanke ’78) and Jimmy Gilliland ’79 fell in love on their first date at Greek Ball in the fall of 1977. They’ve been together ever since and celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary July 4, 2021. Jimmy recently retired from Bloomsburg University as director of Student Activities. He credits Bob Ruday for influencing his career choice. Luann works three days a week as a medical laboratory technologist at Geisinger Medical Center. She has fond memories of being taught by Dr. Rose Cerroni and Professor Ed Bessler. Luann also has a bead jewelry business called LZG Beaded Designs. Her beadwork sells in galleries in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Jimmy and Luann have four grown sons and have actively maintained friendships from their college days.

Luann (Zanke ’78) and Jimmy Gilliland ’79 fell in love on their first date.
Benedictine Sister Raphael Baker MA ’83 is celebrating her jubilee anniversary this year. She entered the Benedictines and made her temporary vows July 2, 1951, and perpetual vows April 11, 1955.
Kevin C.A. Elphick, DMin ’85 currently serves on the Charism Commission of the United States Franciscan Federation Leadership – Franciscan Federation of the Sisters and Brothers in the United States, Inc. (franfed. org). He says, “I am happy to also share that late last year, my chapter on Mother Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), a Franciscan abbess and mystic, was published in the book Franciscan Women: Female Identities and Religious Culture, Medieval and Beyond by Franciscan Institute Publications. Mother Juana was declared Venerable by Pope Francis in 2015. I also had an article published on her sermon on the Trinity in the Fall 2020 edition of the journal, Franciscan Connections.”
Marina Davis ’86 recently retired from her archaeology firm after a long career as a senior archaeologist. She says, “I’m thankful for my education from Franciscan!”
Father Stephen Holmes ’95 is the pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Manassas, Va.
Tom Nash MA ’96 has released a new booklet in Catholic Answers Press’ 20 Answers series. 20 Answers, the Rosary tackles head-on common myths and misconceptions about the Rosary. He continues to write, speak, and appear on Catholic television and radio programs.
Ched ’98 and Nannette (Figueroa ’98) Salasek live in Phoenix, Ariz., with their six children, Andrew, Monica, Annie, Lillian, Matthew, and Julianna. Nannette says, “Our oldest, Andrew (AMDG), is a senior at Franciscan, and Monica (TTM) is a sophomore nursing major. Our lives changed forever when, after having two healthy children, our third child was born with spina bifida. Annie, who was accepted into Franciscan for this fall, is a happy and loving young lady who bravely takes on the many challenges of living with spina bifida.” Ched works in admissions at Grand Canyon University, and Nannette is a licensed social worker working as the health care systems administrator at Raising Special Kids. Nannette is passionate about providing support to families and letting them know they are not alone in the journey of advocacy for their children with special needs. They miss all their FUS friends and love seeing all their kids become close friends and even date!

Ched ’98 and Nannette (Figueroa ’98) Salasek live in Phoenix, Ariz., with their six children.
Fatima Smuck ’91 MSE ’99 retired from the Edison Local School District this past summer after a 28-year career as a special education teacher, principal, and district administrator.
Timothy Gruters ’03 was recently elected president of the board at the Perlman Music Program Suncoast, Inc. in Sarasota, Fla.
Sarah (Wocken ’03) Marlette lives in Minnesota with her husband and six children, Gianna, Joseph, Rose, Celine, Elizabeth, and Christian. She recently published a novel, The All-Sacred Gathering of the Girls, which can be found on her website at sarahmarlette.
Rachel (Lehmann ’03) Mirando and her husband, Jerry, welcomed sweet Harley Teresa through adoption last August. She joins big sisters Sophia, Arabella, and Eva!
Lindsey (Webb ’07) Rutkowski is a stay-athome mom, and her husband, David, is an executive chef for a college. They are parents to four children, Christian, 6, Ave, 5, Noel, 3, and Dawson, 1. Lindsey says, “We recently purchased our first home in my hometown in Rhode Island, and I have recently started homeschooling, which, though it comes with its challenges, has been a great blessing and joy and I look forward to continuing next year!”
Mark MA ’07 and Nicole (Nelsen MA ’07) Thomason married on December 31, 2007. They started a family business, Thomason Arts, over 10 years ago. Mark says, “We are Catholic professional artists and live in Denver with our five boys. I work at Nativity of Our Lord in Broomfield as the faith formation director, and Nicole is the K-8 art educator at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School in Denver. Please visit our website to view our work and more of our story at”
Sean ’10 and Liz (Conte ’10) Cunningham welcomed their fifth baby to their family October 13 and celebrated 10 years of marriage on October 9, 2020. They live on Sean’s family’s fifth generation cattle ranch in Jordan Valley, Ore., where Sean manages the family ranch and Liz runs their meat business, Cunningham Pastured Meats. They say, “We are living the dream!”

Sean ’10 and Liz (Conte ’10) Cunningham welcomed their fifth baby to their family October 13.
Zachary Hinger ’10 self-published his second Catholic board book, My First Church Tour, through his company, Joyful Little Catholics (
Sister Caritas Marie (Andrea) Cunningham ’11 made her perpetual profession to the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa in November 2020. The ceremony was presided over by Most Reverend Robert Vasa at the Cathedral of St. Eugene in Santa Rosa, Calif.

Sister Caritas Marie (Andrea) Cunningham ’11 made her perpetual profession to the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa in November 2020.
Father Joseph Marie Krilich, TOR ’13 was ordained a priest on May 22, 2021, by Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton. See full story.
Caleb Cunningham ’16 was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Baker, Ore., in May 2020, by the Most Reverend Liam Cary at the St. Francis de Sales Cathedral.

Caleb Cunningham ’16 was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Baker, Ore., in May 2020.
Edgar Lujano ’16 is a teacher and chair of the Theology Department at Cristo Rey High School in Sacramento, Calif.
Dominic Miller MBA ’16 has started a Catholic creatives business with his wife, Elayne. Annunciation Designs helps families call to mind the sacred amongst the ordinary. Learn more at
Ambrose Lester ’19 recently joined the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City team as economic development coordinator where she will concentrate on working toward housing diversity and affordability.
Katharina Twining ’19 is a stay-at-home mom of two. She says, “I teach Bible studies at our parish using much of Dr. Scott Hahn’s material. It’s a way for me to spend time with other adults and grow spiritually. I have also been learning about permaculture and am interested in designing a garden to grow a lot of our own food. My husband and I are also landowners for the first time, signing on the dotted line for 23 acres in Rockdale, Texas.”
Anthony Batalla ’20 and Sandra Victoria ’20 were married January 9, 2021.

Anthony Batalla ’20 and Sandra Victoria ’20 were married January 9, 2021.
In Memoriam
Deacon Thomas Johnston ’50 died June 14, 2021.
Clarence Virtue ’51 died August 1, 2021.
Dr. Martin Sokoll ’54 died June 30, 2021.
Donna (Lisle ’61) Burton died November 20, 2020.
Tom McDonald ’61, OAK/AXP brother, died May 28, 2021.
Gerald DiLoreto ’62, Alpha Phi Delta brother, died May 28, 2021.
George Cook ’63 died July 20, 2021.
Arthur Hartline ’63 died May 22, 2021.
Louis Ferrero ’69 died July 12, 2021.
John Kalinowski ’69, Tau Kappa Epsilon brother, died May 29, 2021.
Dr. Cortland Mehl ’72 died June 25, 2021, following a courageous battle with cancer.
Michael P. Fekete ’73 passed away December 28, 2020.
Emerson Boyd ’78 died July 3, 2021.
Dr. Primo DiCarlo ’78 died June 24, 2021.
David Erwin ’88, Tau Kappa Epsilon brother, died unexpectedly July 13, 2021.
Thomas Zumpano ’98 died April 28, 2021.
We recently learned of the passing of:
Dr. Steven Meader ’50 died December 15, 2012.
Walter Schlemmer ’50 died August 28, 2020.
Edward Justice ’61 died October 7, 2020.
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