Capital Campaign | Featured

“A Witness to God’s Faithfulness”

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Capital Campaign | Featured

“A Witness to God’s Faithfulness”

The capital campaign nears the finish line, plus celebrating Christ the Teacher Hall’s ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Autumn 2024

In This Article

President’s Letter

Dear Franciscan University Community,

I almost can’t believe our Christ the Teacher Academic Hall and Pope St. Paul VI Conference Center are finished. Students are attending classes, using the state-of-the-art labs, and studying and visiting in beautiful spaces. And while Christ the King Chapel is being renovated, many of the liturgies will be offered in the conference area. What a gift to have the Mass blessing the entire Christ the Teacher Hall as it enters the rhythm of life on campus!

This new building and ongoing renovation are visible signs of our work to grow into “a holy temple in the Lord” (Eph. 2:21), but as you know, that’s not the only part of the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign. Scholarships and academic program funds are another piece, and you’ve been incredibly generous helping make it possible for more students to get the Franciscan University education they’ve been called to receive.

They are the stones for rebuilding the Church: students able to come here, to a campus that nurtures their faith formation and gives them the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their professions. So they can be sent forth to build and rebuild the Church in the world.

I can’t say this enough: Franciscan University could not have gotten here without the help of so many people. In particular, our generous benefactors have made it possible to turn visions into reality. Thank you!

Yet, even as we rejoice in the completion of Christ the Teacher Hall, we continue to move forward with the capital campaign through the end of December. We remain committed to finishing strong.

After that? I don’t know for sure what God has next. But I know we don’t get to rest on our laurels. The Lord has more rebuilding projects for us. May we have eyes to see them, and the grace and means to build them!


Father Dave Pivonka, TOR ’89


Franciscan University of Steubenville


“A Witness to God’s Faithfulness”

Three years of hard work, dedication, and prayer culminated in a beautiful ribbon-cutting ceremony outside the new Christ the Teacher Hall and Pope St. Paul VI Conference Center on August 21. A crowd of faculty, staff, students, benefactors, community members, and guests gathered on the plaza out- side the building to celebrate the occasion.

“This is a momentous day for Franciscan University, a day that seemed impossibly far away when we announced our Rebuild My Church Campaign in December 2021. But here we are, poised to celebrate the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Christ the Teacher Hall and Pope St. Paul VI Conference Center and to let these beautiful new facilities begin to fulfill their purpose in our educational mission,” Vice President of Advancement Bob Hickey ’96 MBA ’01 said. “We could not have reached this milestone without the help of many Franciscan University family members.”

Fr. Dave sprinkles holy water on the main entrance to Christ the Teacher Hall.

Fr. Dave sprinkles holy water on the main entrance to Christ the Teacher Hall.

President Father Dave Pivonka, TOR ’89, likewise expressed his gratitude. He highlighted the significance of the building’s name.

“Our chapel is Christ the King and our newest, largest academic building is Christ the Teacher. Christ is the Lord not only of what takes place in the chapel, but he’s also Lord of what takes place in the classroom,” Father Dave said. “This building is a witness to God’s faithfulness. It’s a witness to what a community can do if they believe, if they work hard, if they dream, and if they have a vision.”

Students assist as Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Stephen Hildebrand, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR ’89, Dr. Christin Jungers, and Mickey Pohl cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony for Christ the Teacher Hall on August 21.

Students assist as Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Stephen Hildebrand, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR ’89, Dr. Christin Jungers, and Mickey Pohl cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony for Christ the Teacher Hall on August 21.

As the centerpiece of the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign, Christ the Teacher Hall comes in response to Franciscan’s consistent annual enrollment increases, the recent addition of academic programs, and the necessity for a dedicated conference space. It stands as the largest building on campus at more than 110,000 square feet, and it features two wings: a conference center wing and an academic wing for engineering, business, and nursing. In its very design, the building brings together faith and reason, which St. John Paul II called the “two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.”

Dean of the School of Professional Programs Dr. Christin Jungers celebrated the positive impact this building will have for students, whether they practice their engineering skills in the eight specialized labs, hone their nursing techniques in the state-of-the- art simulation labs, or just study together on the terrace or pray in the Sacred Heart Chapel.

“Franciscan University wants you, our students, to know we care about you,” she said. “We care that you have a beautiful and academically supportive place to learn the necessary skills and to practice using the tools of your profession. We care that each one of you has a chance to flourish in your chosen field.”

She also celebrated the benefactors who made it all possible.

“The generosity of our donors is an outpouring that blesses our students and ensures that the life of Franciscan University’s mission remains strong and alive,” she said.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony also highlighted another accomplishment: the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign had surpassed its $110 million goal.

Paul Michael “Mickey” Pohl, chairman of the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign, celebrated this milestone while also acknowledging the work still to do; continued gifts are invited to complete the financial needs for Christ the Teacher Hall, Christ the King Chapel renovations, and the new Ward and Kathy Fitzgerald Franciscan University Homeland Mission in Washington, D.C., with the final campaign push ending in December.

Mickey Pohl addresses the assembly before the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Mickey Pohl addresses the assembly before the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

“Just think of all the good this University will continue to do for Catholic education and for the students we are sending out into the world to be the light. We’ve only just begun,” Pohl said. He added, “Great things happen when you trust the Holy Spirit.”

Father Dave echoed his sentiments.

“God is faithful. He’s not going to ask us to do something that he won’t provide us the grace to be able to do,” he said. “We celebrate the fact that God has been faithful, for the friends who have walked with us, and we look forward to seeing what God has next.”

For more details on the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign, visit


Franciscan Friends

Peter and Marylin Rander

Marylin and Peter Rander in Christ the Teacher Hall.

Marylin and Peter Rander in Christ the Teacher Hall.

Peter Rander attended his first Young Adults Conference at Franciscan University when he was 19.

The atmosphere in the big tent on the lawn was electric—Spirit-filled and reverent, without rigid formality. He fell in love with the charismatic prayer, the music, and the words of knowledge.

He contributed $13 at that conference.

When Pete met Marylin, the woman who would become his wife, he couldn’t wait to take her to Franciscan, so she could experience the same joys. He invited her on a date to a Festival of Praise.

“That’s where our love for Franciscan started as a couple,” says Marylin.

“We were both raised in faithful Catholic families” where they learned to love the Mass and personal prayer; as they got older, they wanted to expand their spiritual life.

Living in nearby Pennsylvania, they attended as many conferences and Festivals of Praise as they could during their years of dating and early marriage.

“Entering deeper into charismatic prayer allowed God to work wonders in our marriage,” says Marylin.

In those days, she remembers, their funds were limited, so they sometimes volunteered to work at the conferences. Franciscan seemed to them a beacon of light in a dark world, and they wanted to be in that light as much as possible, and in any way they could.

Pete and Marylin have been married now for 29 years, and they have two adult daughters. They never stopped supporting Franciscan after that first $13 in the collection basket, volunteering and donating as often as they could. When they heard about the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign, they decided to give a major gift to help fund Christ the Teacher Hall.

“It’s wonderful to see Franciscan University expand their engineering majors,” says Marylin. “The new pro- grams in software engineering and mechanical engineering and new building make it possible for them to integrate a spiritual education with technical majors.”

Engineering is Pete’s calling. He has an MS and PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and he is president of his own company, Stack AV, which develops and tests autonomous vehicle (AV) technology for the trucking sector. Pete is an industry leader in the development of complex, autonomous systems; he’s convinced that robotics technology can improve the world.

Marylin has a master’s in education from Duquesne University. She taught early elementary grades before homeschooling their younger daughter. Marylin and her daughter also ride and show Quarter Horses.

Peter and Marylin Rander have also given a sizable gift to the renovation of Christ the King Chapel.

“The chapel is so much a central part of this campus,” says Marylin. “From our earliest years of attending Festivals of Praise, we adored God within its walls. We are honored to be able to support this campaign for future generations.”


Rebuild My Church Campaign Progress

“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.” Ps. 118:22-23

Thanks be to God and to our incredibly generous friends and alumni, Franciscan University has surpassed our $110 million Rebuild My Church Campaign goal, reaching $113 mil- lion at the end of August! We stand in awe of all God has done and thank him—and you!—for the ongoing success of this campaign. We pledge to continue this positive momentum throughout the final push to the campaign close. We hope you can join us on December 13 as we celebrate the wonderful things the Lord has done in our midst and offer our thanks for all you have contributed to this life-changing mission.

Christ the King Chapel renovation and expansion will continue through May 2025.

Christ the King Chapel renovation and expansion will continue through May 2025.


Case Components

  • Christ the Teacher Academic Hall and Conference Center
    • Total Raised: $53,384,196
  • Financial Aid and Scholarships
    • Total Raised: $37,355,732
  • Outreach and Evangelization
    • General: $2,884,710
    • PhD Theology Program: $2,679,389
  • Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship
    • Total Raised: $2,000,000
  • Criminal Justice Program
    • Total Raised: $1,000,000
  • Nursing SIM Laboratory
    • Total Raised: $1,000,000
  • Christ the King Chapel Renovation and Expansion
    • Total Raised: $12,116,042
  • Washington, D.C., Homeland Mission
    • Total Raised: $3,500,000


Total Campaign Goal: $110 Million

TOTAL RAISED: $115,920,069* (As of August 23, 2024)



* Includes $2.4M in interest used to fund Christ the Teacher Hall.

Learn More:

Christ the King Chapel renovation and expansion will continue through May 2025.


Save the Date

We invite you to join us for these exciting upcoming events.

  • Oct 17-18: Board of Trustees Weekend Retreat and Public Dedication of Christ the Teacher Hall
  • Oct 24-26: Man and Woman in the Order of Creation Conference
  • Dec12: Night of Hope Praise and Worship
  • Dec13: Rebuild My Church Campaign Celebration
  • Jan6-10: Guadalupe Pilgrimage
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