Secrets to Success

How to Live Your Best Life

Franciscan Magazine Homepage > Autumn 2023 > How to Live Your Best Life

Secrets to Success

How to Live Your Best Life

Certified life coach Zoë Romanowsky shares advice for living better.

Autumn 2023 | Zoë Romanowsky

In This Article

What does it mean to “live your best life?” Many have come to me with some version of that question. After graduating from Franciscan University with a master’s in counseling, I became a certified life coach through the Coaches Training Institute in San Francisco and have helped clients to make changes in their lives ever since.

Most of us desire to be our best selves. We want to live with purpose and passion, but it’s easier said than done. For a Christian, our best life is about more than self-improvement; it’s about becoming the person God has created us to be.

If you find yourself in need of a reset, or you’re looking for ways to “live better,” here are five tips.


1. Kick it up a notch.

We all know we should pray, exercise, eat healthily, get enough sleep, and manage our stress. All of it helps us to live well and serve others. But pick one area and go further. Maybe it’s time to get back to daily Mass, or to check out that new fitness class. Maybe you could be more disciplined about your eating habits or your screen time. Whatever it is, kick it up a notch.


2. Establish a morning routine.

What we do right after waking up sets the tone for the rest of our day. If you don’t already have one, create a morning routine and stick to it, especially on weekdays. Keep it realistic. If necessary, get up a little earlier. If you have young children at home and no time to yourself in the morning, you can still create a simple routine. Prayer, making your bed, exercise, stepping outside, journaling, a favorite beverage—do whatever helps ground you and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 60, a good morning routine can change your life.


3. Take stock of your thoughts.

So much of what holds us back from our “best life” happens between our ears—voices that tell us we can’t do it, we don’t deserve it, we are weak, incapable, unreasonable, unloved. Our thoughts hold us captive. But we can learn to become more aware of our thoughts and shift them, creating new pathways. New thoughts create new actions.


4. Make human connections.

We’ve all seen the studies—virtual connections haven’t made us happier. We need real, human connection with people we can see and touch. Our best life is one that includes rich relationships with others who know and love us, as well as with people who are different from us. Seek these connections out.


5. Move your dream forward.

Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Goals you still hope to accomplish? Things you want to experience? There are many people who, with God’s grace, have turned their dreams and goals into reality, and they did it by taking one step and then another. They broke it down and moved things forward little bit by little bit. You can do it, too.

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