Larry ’66 and Katy (Tuthill ’66) Finneran spent time with fellow alumni Jesse ’15 and Sara (Pettinger ’15) Saltarelli while vacationing in adjacent homes on Catawba Island, Ohio, last July. They enjoyed talking about how the University has changed in the nearly 50 years between their times on campus.
Last September, Dr. Brian Powderly ’89 was named head of school for the Ohio Digital Learning School, a tuition-free online public charter school serving students in grades 9–12.
Maria Scheuring ’93 MA ’96 says, “I opened a new location for the Law Office of Maria Scheuring in Patchogue, N.Y., where I practice family law, divorce, guardianship, general litigation, and music law. I was nominated as the Best Law Firm on Long Island by Long Island Press in 2023, named to the Executive Board of Directors of the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce, and served as chair of the largest summer festival in Long Island which attracts over 35,000 people. I am also an adjunct philosophy professor at St. Joseph’s University and Farmingdale State College (SUNY) specializing in applied ethics, a previous Democratic candidate for town supervisor, and a current Democratic candidate for town counsel in Smithtown, N.Y.”
Jean (Curry MA ’99) MacKenzie says, “I am the proud wife of a Canadian military veteran, mother of seven, and registered psychologist living in Alberta, Canada. I enjoy working with couples in harmony with the Catholic faith to help them experience a marriage that is both pleasing to God and fulfilling to themselves. My education at Franciscan University laid the foundation for a faith-informed career where I can participate with God in building up his domestic Church. My colleague, Melissa Guzik, and I published a marriage enrichment booklet called To Know, Love, and Serve: A Path to Marital Fulfilment in 2013. In 2021, we published the companion To Know, Love, and Serve workbook for small group settings. If you are an old friend who wants to reconnect, feel free to email me at [email protected].”
David Cencer ’03 MA ’22 was promoted to assistant coach with Bulldog hockey at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich.
Rob Thew ’05 and his wife, Raine, have three children and live in Chattanooga, Tenn., where Rob is an architect and project manager.

The Angela (Santoro ’07) and Sang Tae de Krieger family’s “First Day Hike” in 2022
Angela (Santoro ’07) de Krieger received her master’s in occupational therapy from California State University, Dominguez Hill, in 2011. She and her husband, Sang Tae de Krieger, celebrated 12 years of marriage in September 2023 and have four children. They moved to Indiana in 2013 and have been learning homesteading and traditional skills ever since. Angela has published articles in Well Read Mom and Homesteaders of America. To follow their homesteading adventures, visit @growinglittlecountryhomestead on YouTube. She recently made temporary promises with Brothers and Sisters of Charity, which is a Public Association of the Faithful.
Philip Coco ’03 happily announces his marriage to Katherine Warwick on October 27, 2023.

Katherine and Philip Coco ’03
Father Christopher Beran MA ’13 was ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter Cathedral in Erie, Pa., May 26, 2023.
Michelle Wisely ’14 married Gabriel Bertini in July 2020 at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Lancaster, Pa. They have three children, Anthony, 2, Michael, in heaven, and Lucy, 5 months. Michelle says, “I am on long-term sabbatical from my nursing career while I stay home to raise our children.”

Deacon Gesualdo MA ’17 and Loretta Schneider with the newly ordained Fr. Brandon Schneider
Hannah (Mutz ’16) Perry and her husband, Seth, welcomed their third child, Margaret Anastasia, October 22, 2023.
Deacon Gesualdo Schneider MA ’17 and his wife, Loretta, proudly announce the priestly ordination of their son, Father Brandon Schneider, on May 21, 2022, for the Diocese of Burlington, Vt.

Dr. Andrew Chambers ’18
Dr. Andrew Chambers ’18 was awarded “Intern of the Year” for his family medicine residency class at Trinity Health Livingston in Michigan.
Dr. Peter McCullough ’18 completed medical school at University of Washington School of Medicine and is a resident at University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita Family Medicine Residency Program at Ascension Via Christi in Wichita, Kansas. Nicole Beadnell MSA ’10 Nicole Beadnell MSA ’10 was recently named assistant principal at Southern Local Elementary in Salineville, Ohio.
Katie Hugo ’20 recently opened an Etsy shop to sell knitted scarves, ornaments, and crocheted coasters. Visit KatieKraftedKreation.etsy.com and use code “SAVE10” for 10 percent off your entire order.
In Memoriam
We have just learned John “Jack” Mahanna ’56, Omicron Alpha Kappa brother, died August 22, 2020.
John Pifko ’62, Tau Kappa Epsilon brother, died November 3, 2023.
George Allan ’63, Omicron Alpha Kappa brother, died June 14, 2023.
We have just learned John Lutton ’67 died February 14, 2022.
We have just learned Rev. Richard Lawrence ’70 died January 7, 2021.
Harry James “Jim” Swearingen ’70 died September 19, 2023.
Deborah “Debbie” Danley ’75 died September 8, 2023.
Julia (Norton ’79) Delcompare died August 10, 2023, following a courageous battle with cancer.
Alfred Carducci ’85 died October 9, 2023.
Dominique (Lefaive ’14) Neidig, Rosa Mystica Household, died November 7, 2023, following a courageous battle with metastatic ovarian cancer.
Nathan “Nate” Kuhlman ’22 died November 3, 2023.
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